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EMAC 2020 Annual Conference

A Classification of Technology-Infused PoS-Services

Published: May 27, 2020


Gerhard Wagner, University of Siegen; Tobias Roeding, University of Siegen; Hanna Schramm-Klein, University of Siegen


Interpersonal-Service ; PoS-Technologies; Retailing


The optimal integration of technologies at the PoS (point of sale) is widely discussed. Recent literature points out that in today’s stationary retailing it is the augmentation of the interpersonal interaction between customer and frontline-employee through innovative technologies, enhancing the service encounter. Hereby, our research focuses on a systematic comparison of six as relevant identified technology-infused PoS-services regarding customer’s perception of, i.e. tailored information, enjoyment or data-security. By conducting an online survey (N=914), we create a similarity-matrix, indicating three categories: operation-focused-, information-focused- and enjoyment-focused-technology-infused PoS-service. Based on WebQual and ServQual and referring to uses and gratifications as well as privacy calculus theory, we derive meaningful theoretical implications, but moreover practical strategies for retailers to integrate PoS-technologies within a face-to-face service interaction.